CMPUT 467/504

Machine Learning II, Winter 2025


Getting Started

Please read through this document for the course. It is not that long, and it will save us all time if you know this information about the course.

Class Times:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30–4:50 pm
First class:
January 7, 2025
CCIS 1-140
Martha White (whitem at
No Lab. Instead TAs have office hours for extra help.
The link to the eClass course
The Machine Learning Notes for this course.


(in alphabetical order)

Contact Information:

Office hours:

Listed on eClass.

Course Objective

Machine Learning is all about analyzing high-dimensional data. The goal for this second course in machine learning is to expand on the foundations from the first course. We will revisit several of the concepts–including how models can be estimated from data; sound estimation principles; generalization; and evaluating models–but with the additional nuances from handling high-dimensional inputs. Topics include: optimization approaches (constrained optimization, hessians, matrix solutions), kernel machines, neural networks, dimensionality reduction, latent variables, feature selection, more advanced methods for assessing generalization (cross-validation, bootstrapping), introduction to temporal data and missing data.

This course relies on the concepts in CMPUT 267 - Machine Learning I.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you should understand…

By the end of the course, you will have improved your skills in…


Knowledge Prerequisites

This course follows CMPUT 267, and relies on the understanding of the basic concepts in ML taught in that course. We will review many of these concepts, but now in more advanced settings (e.g., maximum likelihood for mixture models and variational autoencoders). The course relies on more knowledge in calculus and linear algebra than was needed for CMPUT 267. An excitement to understand the mathematics underlying machine learning is a must.


Office hours

There are no labs, but TAs will host office hours for question and answering.

Readings / Notes

You are expected to read the corresponding sections about a class’s topic from notes before class as each class will discuss each topic in more detail and address questions about the material. You will have marked Reading Exercises associated with the readings.

All readings are from the (in progress) machine learning notes. These are designed to be short, so that you can read every chapter. I recommend avoiding printing these notes, since later parts of the notes are likely to be modified. You will be notified if I make substantive changes. Minor typos will be fixed without announcement.


Marks will be converted to Letter Grades at the end of the course, based on relative performance. There are no set boundaries, because each year we modify assessments and exams and there is some variability in performance. Set boundaries would penalize students in a year where we inadvertently made a question too difficult. A good indicator for final performance is performance on the exams, which are a large percentage of the grade. If you fail the midterm and final exams (less than 50% on both), then you will likely get an F in the course.

Late Policy

Any late work will not be accepted and will receive 0 marks. If you have a personal issue (e.g., serious illness) that impacts your ability to submit on time, then please email the instructor asap before the deadline, so that an appropriate plan can be made.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is taken seriously; for detailed information see There is absolutely no talking or interaction during exams. This includes no passing of any items. If you do so, then it will be assumed you are cheating and your exam will be taken away.

For assignments, you are allowed and encouraged to collaborate with others. However, you cannot directly copy another person work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in all parts of the course.